Khmelnytsky students offer an eco-friendly alternative to cling film

Khmelnytsky students offer an eco-friendly alternative to cling film

Katerina Belousova

Students also make handmade rugs from recycled materials

Students of the Khmelnytsky Polytechnic Vocational College have proposed an eco-friendly alternative to cling film: wax paper.

Such wax tins can be used many times, the Goofy Center for Waste Management reports on Facebook.

It is noted that young people are implementing a mini-project called Motore bee with the slogan "Saving your food – saving our planet."

"Waschanki are reusable wrappers for food products that have antibacterial properties and do not harm the environment. In addition, the products in wax containers remain fresh for a longer time", said the "Gufi-center".

In addition, students launched the "KylymOk" initiative. They independently make handmade rugs from secondary materials, namely from fabric that is not suitable for weaving camouflage nets.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that Ukrainians were urged to exchange children's toys, because reuse contributes to the generation of less garbage and the preservation of natural resources. On the platform of the Circle of Toys project, you can exchange both new and used toys in good condition,

Previously, EcoPolitics has prepared useful tips on how to give a second life to "bums", to help nature and save money at the same time.

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