The Kharkiv police opened a case against officials for building an estate in a forest park

The Kharkiv police opened a case against officials for building an estate in a forest park

Katerina Belousova

The perpetrators violated Article 364 of the Criminal Code on abuse of power or official position

In Kharkiv, the police opened criminal proceedings against unidentified officials for the illegal construction of an estate and the destruction of more than 50 trees in a forest park.

They face up to 3 years of imprisonment, with the deprivation of the right to hold certain positions, the Kharkiv region Police reports on Facebook.

The police officers also interviewed the witnesses who carried out the construction.

"An investigative-operational group was on its way to the address. Law enforcement officers inspected the site and recorded the facts of felling and construction. The mobile crane, the documents for it and the freight bill of lading were seized from the scene. The issue of imposing a seizure on the land plot and the vehicle is being resolved," the message said.

Police officers explained that the attackers violated Part 1, Article 364 of the Criminal Code – abuse of power or official position. They face up to 3 years of imprisonment, with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to three years, with a fine of two hundred and fifty to seven hundred and fifty tax-free minimum incomes of citizens.

As EcoPolitic reported before, in Kharkiv in the forest park illegally with 50 maples and several oaks were cut down for illegal construction private estate. Kharkiv Mayor Ihor Terekhov stressed that there is no permit for the construction and it will be stopped.

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