The head of SEI Zubovych to be removed from his post after a public report

The head of SEI Zubovych to be removed from his post after a public report

Katerina Belousova

Zubovych's merits could be leveled by the biased attitude of some members of the eco-committee

The Committee on Environmental Policy and Nature Management expressed its lack of confidence in the acting Chairman of the State Environmental Inspection Ihor Zubovich after his report on the results of work for the year.

People's deputies plan to remove him from his post, says the website of the ecocommittee.

The meeting of the ecocommittee was devoted only to Zubovych's report.

The message emphasized that despite a number of positive points in the work of the State Inspectorate, the committee drew attention to improper performance of duties. According to some members of the Zubovych committee:

  • did not take proper part in the formation of state policy in the field of environmental protection, rational use, reproduction and protection of natural resources;
  • did not establish proper interaction with the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources;
  • did not submit proposals for normative legal acts that would properly regulate the activities of the State Inspectorate.

Committee members also commented on:

  • personnel policy, in particular the announcement of layoffs for officials;
  • collections to the State Budget of fines and damages caused as a result of violating the requirements of environmental protection legislation.

The People's Deputies decided to appeal to the Prime Minister of Ukraine and the Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources regarding the improper performance of the duties of the Head of the State Ecoinspection and the termination of their performance.

However, people's deputy, deputy head of the eco-committee Olena Kryvoruchkina said that Zubovych's merits were negated by the biased attitude of some members of the eco-committee.

She emphasized that Zubovych's report was the best among the reports of the heads of central executive bodies. Despite the war and the lack of funding, he was able to quickly organize the work of the State Inspectorate for recording the environmental crimes of the occupiers.

She added that his work was highly appreciated by leading international organizations.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that the State Environmental Inspection has joined IMPEL (the EU Network for Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law).

As EcoPolitic previously reported, the Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources, Ruslan Strilets, said that recording and calculating damages from every Russian crime against the environment is necessary for the preparation of high-quality materials for the International Criminal Court.

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