German Goldbeck Solar to build 500 MW of solar power in Ukraine shutterstock

German Goldbeck Solar to build 500 MW of solar power in Ukraine

Anna Velyka

The project is aimed at increasing the stability of the Ukrainian energy sector

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has established a joint venture with German company Goldbeck Solar. It is called Goldbeck Solar Investment Ukraine GmbH and will be engaged in the construction and operation of new solar power plants in Ukraine with a total capacity of up to 500 MW over the next 3-5 years.

The corresponding message appeared on the EBRD website.

The project was announced at the recent Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin.

This agreement is the first private project for the construction of renewable energy generating capacity with the participation of a foreign investor financed by the EBRD in Ukraine since February 2022.

Goldbeck Solar is an experienced German company with more than 20 years of experience in the solar energy sector and is active in more than 12 countries. It currently has more than 550 employees and has already built more than 3 GW of solar capacity in 20 countries. This company is entering the Ukrainian market for the first time.

The other day EcoPolitic told that in Europe the basis for rebuilding Ukraine is seen in renewable energy.

We also informed that Greenpeace activists have published the results of a study, according to which Ukraine can install 5 times more solar energy capacity than the plan of the Ukrainian government provides.

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