Kyivavtodor CEO is accused of contaminating land with toxic waste. Photo.

Kyivavtodor CEO is accused of contaminating land with toxic waste. Photo.

Katerina Belousova

Garbage was brought to the site during 2022-2023

The CEO of Kyivavtodor and the former head of one of Kyiv's maintenance departments have been notified of suspicion of land pollution, which caused almost UAH 300 million in damage.

The offenders dumped various types of waste, including those harmful to people and the environment, on a land plot that was intended exclusively for snow collected in Kyiv, the National Police of Ukraine reports.

The message emphasized that a landfill with:

  • scrap metal;
  • household waste;
  • concrete blocks;
  • Christmas trees;
  • road transport waste.

It is noted that those involved are suspected of official negligence, as well as pollution and damage to land. After all, during the years 2022-2023, communal workers from the "Road Maintenance Department of the Solomyan District of the City of Kyiv" carried waste to this site on the instructions of their manager.

"As a result of a dishonest attitude to his official duties, the head of "Kyivavtodor" allowed the company under his control to carry out actions that led to the contamination of the site with waste and materials harmful to people and the environment," the press service said.

It is noted that the police are working on the case together with prosecutors.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that a large-scale land fill of plant residues, construction and household waste, as well as barrels, probably containing fuel and lubricants, was discovered in a field near the village of Rozhny in the Zazymska community in Kyiv region. The landfill borders the Zalissia National Nature Park.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, in Kirovohrad region, the former director of a garbage company was notified of suspicion for polluting and damaging the land of Oleksandria, which caused damage worth UAH 3.5 million.

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