Exposed entrepreneur who for more than 2 years arranged spontaneous landfills and polluted the earth

Exposed entrepreneur who for more than 2 years arranged spontaneous landfills and polluted the earth

Anna Velyka

The grounds of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine were damaged

Prosecutors of the Kyiv-Svyatoshinsky district prosecutor's office announced suspicion to the director of a private enterprise, who for more than 2 years of economic activity did not dispose of waste, but shipped it to unauthorized places on lands near production.

This was reported in the Kyiv regional prosecutor's office.

The entrepreneur made building materials in the rented premises of a state enterprise of one of the institutes of the NAAS of Ukraine in Buchan district. The investigation found that he systematically polluted the land with construction debris and hazardous waste from his production.


Experts of the State Inspectorate stated that this led to the deterioration of lands and a decrease in their fertility and caused damage to the environment in the amount of 4 million hryvnias.


The director of the enterprise is charged under Part 1 of Art. 239 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine "Pollution or deterioration of land". The sanction of the article provides for a fine of up to 200 tax-free minimum incomes of citizens or deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to 3 years.


Before, EcoPolitic reported that a resident of Zhytomyr Oblast forced to pay UAH 1.1 million for soil contamination with chemicals.

Due to the stupid reform of the waste industry, thousands of entrepreneurs will become criminals – PAEW
Due to the stupid reform of the waste industry, thousands of entrepreneurs will become criminals – PAEW

According to specialists, the restructuring of the waste management sector is "sliding", and businesses can become the most extreme in this situation

The Ministry of Ecology has started public discussions of the draft law
The Ministry of Ecology has started public discussions of the draft law

Comments and proposals to the draft law can be sent until March 20