Environmental activists tell the truth about pseudo-battery recyclers facebook.com/batareiky

Environmental activists tell the truth about pseudo-battery recyclers

Hanna Velyka

By handing in only 1 battery, we save 16 square meters of soil from toxic pollution

Pseudo-recyclers are companies that collect used batteries but do not send them for recycling, but simply throw them away or illegally dump them.

Activists of the All-Ukrainian Ecological Movement “Batteries, Surrender!” warned against such dealers.

They emphasized that they are currently the only ones in Ukraine “who really honestly send 100% of batteries to a factory in Europe and provide reports on this.”

The activists warned about pseudo-recyclers who accept batteries for PR purposes, manipulating the topic of recycling. Instead, the batteries can end up in landfills, in the natural environment, and even in rivers, posing a serious environmental threat.

The eco-movement says that the motives of such criminals can be different.

Some pseudo-recycling organizations simply want to get eco-publicity. They want to look “eco-friendly” to attract more customers and make more profit. Therefore, these companies claim to recycle batteries, but in reality they simply throw them away, not recycle them.

"This helps them appear responsible to consumers, but the real ecological effect of their activities is zero," – they say in "Batteryki, give up!".

Other fraudsters accept batteries for money and promise to dispose of them. But in reality, they are simply taken to landfills or left in warehouses. According to activists, such companies often have some licenses, but in Ukraine this does not guarantee real processing. That's why unscrupulous companies continue to profit from the collection of batteries without any environmental obligations, say members of the eco-movement.

"Always ask for reports [on previous recycling – ed.] before handing in batteries!" – advised the activists.

Earlier Ecopolitic published a list of 10 real Ukrainian eco-activists for 2024, who are constantly and persistently engaged in various areas of environmental protection.

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