Verkhovna Rada not consider the law on regulation of air emissions shutterstock

Verkhovna Rada not consider the law on regulation of air emissions

The Ecocommittee took into account most of the comments of the Main Legal Department

On Friday, July 8, the People's Deputies failed to consider in the 1st reading the draft law No. 5339 "Оn amendments to some laws of Ukraine regarding the improvement of the mechanism of regulation of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air". On July 6, it was recommended for adoption by the Verkhovna Rada by the Eco Committee.

The document has been processed and prepared for consideration in the second reading.

Within the framework of the draft law, changes will be made to the Laws of Ukraine "On atmospheric air protection" and "On the permit system in the field of economic activity".

"The draft law was developed with the aim of improving the mechanism for regulating emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, issuing permits for emissions, improving state regulation, economic relations, reducing administrative pressure on business entities and reducing their administrative costs," the material explained.

More than 140 amendments and proposals were submitted to the draft law, in particular regarding:

  • control of volumes and composition of emissions into atmospheric air;
  • keeping records of emissions;
  • procedures and grounds for issuance, receipt, cancellation;
  • the terms of validity of the emissions permit, as well as the terms and their definitions, in particular those that take into account most of the observations of the Main Scientific and Expert Department.

All amendments were previously worked out by the subcommittee on climate change and atmospheric air protection with the participation of people's deputies, representatives of central executive bodies, specialists, experts and representatives of the public. They are partially taken into account in the final version of the draft law.

The main legal department provided comments that relate, in particular, to the content of part sixteen of Article 11 of the Law of Ukraine "On Atmospheric Air", approval of the issuance of a permit for emissions, etc. Most of them are supported and taken into account.

We will remind, the Verkhovna Rada will do the last step to approval the law "On air protection".

As Ecopolitic reported before, the ecocommittee supported the creation of environmental monitoring systems.

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