Eco-inspectors fined an uncle with two tree stumps in Mykolaiv region for UAH 510

Eco-inspectors fined an uncle with two tree stumps in Mykolaiv region for UAH 510

This caused a wave of outrage online

Near the village Ukrainian state inspectors in the Mykolaiv region stopped a citizen who was transporting firewood in the trunk of a car without any documents and fined him UAH 510.

People's deputy from "Batkivshchyna" Oleksiy Kucherenko initiated the investigation into this shocking case on his Facebook page.

He accused the eco-inspectors of inhumanity, because they don't care "what's wrong with him with gas, with electricity, with his house, with his job in the Mykolayiv region (!!!)".

In the comments to the deputy's post, experts of the State Inspection of the South-Western District, who fined the violator, explained that "taking measures against the violator, who transported wood without any documents, is in no way related to draft law No. 9665 adopted by the Verkhovna Rada on October 10."

They reminded that for this violation of environmental legislation, the citizen was brought to administrative responsibility under Part 1 of Article 65 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

Of course, ordinary Ukrainians also expressed their opinion about this case in the comments:

The other day, EcoPolitic told that the State Bureau of Investigation revealed in the Khmelnytskyi region, foresters who illegally cut down more than 3 hectares of forest for 6.5 million hryvnias.

3 years later, MPs again took up the draft law No. 4197-d “On the Timber Market”
3 years later, MPs again took up the draft law No. 4197-d “On the Timber Market”

From the end of 2021, the document is being prepared for the second reading, but it is planned to be submitted to the parliament in January

Foresters are sabotaging the recording of illegal logging in the Carpathians – MP
Foresters are sabotaging the recording of illegal logging in the Carpathians – MP

The people's representative turned to the ministry with a request to restore order

President Zelensky will not sign law No. 9665 on firewood, – Lytvyn
President Zelensky will not sign law No. 9665 on firewood, – Lytvyn

Experts talk about a successfully conducted special information and psychological operation against this document