Agenda of the parliamentary environmental committee for June 26: what MPs will consider

Agenda of the parliamentary environmental committee for June 26: what MPs will consider

Anna Velyka

In particular, people's representatives will discuss proposals regarding access to information and public participation in the decision-making process on issues related to the environment

On Wednesday, June 26, at 10:30 a.m., the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Environmental Policy and Nature Management will hold a meeting via videoconference.

EcoPolitic has prepared the agenda of the committee for its readers.

MPs will consider the documents for which the environmental committee has been designated as the lead agency, namely:

  • draft Law No. 10409 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts Regarding the Clarification of the Powers of the Central Executive Body Implementing State Policy in the Field of Civil Defense and Other State Bodies in the Field of Critical Infrastructure Protection";
  • draft Law No. 9219 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Delimitation of Powers of Central Executive Authorities in the Field of Industrial Safety, Occupational Safety, Occupational Hygiene, Handling of Explosive Materials, Implementation of State Mining Supervision, Implementation of State Supervision and Control of Compliance with Legislative Requirements on work and employment of the population".

Also, the eco-committee should submit its proposals to draft law No. 0272 "On Ratification of Amendments to the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in the Decision-Making Process, and Access to Justice on Environmental Matters."

As EcoPolitic previously reported, on June 20 the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Environmental Policy and Nature Management recommended to the deputies to adopt the draft Law No. 11355 "On Integrated Prevention and Control of Industrial Pollution" as a basis and as a whole, and legislators supported his 245 votes.

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Experts drew the attention of the authorities to this and called for the elimination of deficiencies in the existing legislation

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Among other things, the deputies will touch on the topical issue of noise from electric generators

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The draft law on the ratification of the Amendments to the Aarhus Convention was also approved by the specialized committee. 

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This position was supported by 19 public organizations, associations and centers of environmental orientation in an appeal to the country's leadership