Activists were shocked by the plans for felling in the Carpathian National Park shutterstock

Activists were shocked by the plans for felling in the Carpathian National Park

Anna Velyka

They criticized the directorate of this object of the nature reserve fund and appealed to the Ministry of Environment in this regard

Members of the Ukrainian Nature Protection Group (UPG) got acquainted with the cutting plans in the Carpathian NPP and were shocked by both their areas and the reasoning of the park management regarding them, because it contradicts world and European trends in the field of forest protection.

A message about this appeared on the UPG Facebook page.

Activists said that plans for felling in this national park include the demolition of trees on an area of ​​270 hectares, and its forest management materials, which are currently being developed, lay the possibility of future felling on an even larger scale.

But the main claim of the UPG to the management of the park, represented by its director Stepan Goshovskyi and his deputy for science Oleksandr Kiselyuk, were the arguments they gave to justify the felling, namely, the urgent need to remove dead wood.

Specialists of the group claim that if we believe the justification from the head of the Carpathian NPP, the presence of dead wood:

  • promotes the spread of invasive species;
  • interferes with reforestation;
  • fundamentally reduces the recreational attractiveness of the forest;
  • interferes with natural renewal;
  • limits the performance of the tasks of the national park.

However, activists emphasized that the importance of preserving dead wood in forests has long been a global trend. They cited as an example the recently adopted EU Nature Restoration Law, which generally obliges member states to count and increase the amount of dead wood in forests.

"But it seems that the Carpathian National Park is connected with the EU only by the export of wood. Because that's where boards made from trees cut down in the park are sold," the UPG noted.

Activists sent their comments on this situation and called on the Ministry of Environment to take them into account.

Against the appointment of the current director of the Carpathian NPP in August 2022, the team, representatives of local self-government bodies, public organizations and concerned citizens protested. They were outraged by the fact that the Ministry of Environment did not provide the team with any explanation of the reason for the change of manager.

In September, EcoPolitic wrote about that the public council of the Ministry of Environment planned to recommend to the Ministry to take actions to remove the escalation of the conflict in the "Karpatskyi" National Park, which arose due to the appointment of Stepan Goshovsky to the position of director. But, as we can see, he is still in office.

Earlier, we reported on the corruption trail that follows Hoshovsky. He is a former eco-inspector who released for bribery After that, Goshovskyi got a job at the Bolekhiv forest farm, where he probably participated in the illegal purchase of firewood, arbitrary felling and intimidation of local activists. And then, taking advantage of the wartime opportunity not to hold a competition for the position, the Ministry of Environment appointed him to the position of director of the Carpathian NPP.

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