8 ways to wisely use mowed grass instead of burning it pexels

8 ways to wisely use mowed grass instead of burning it

Anna the Great

It can be useful if used correctly

Burning cut grass in the fall together with fallen leaves worsens the air condition and harms people's health.

The public organization "Ecological News" talked about 8 options, how to find an application for it with benefits for the economy and without damage to the environment.

  1. Feed and bedding for animals:
  •   grass can be used as fodder for domestic animals (rabbits, cows, etc.);
  •   it is also suitable as bedding for animals;
  •   experienced owners make silage and haylage from grass – juicy and nutritious fodder.
  1. Composting:
  • grass is an excellent component for compost;
  • if you don't have space for a composter or need a quick fertilizer, you can make "compost in bags". This is not true composting, as aerobic microorganisms are not involved, but it allows you to get compost in 1.5-3 months. To do this, the grass is placed in an airtight container and closed.
  1. Mulching:
  • it helps to preserve moisture in the soil, improves its structure and protects against mass germination of weeds;
  • there is also the "active hot mulch" method. For its preparation, freshly cut grass is collected in a hermetic container until the temperature rises, after which it is used for mulching.
  1. Green fertilizer: for its preparation, it is necessary to fill a barrel with grass to 1/3 of the volume, fill it with water and leave it for several weeks. In warm weather, this fertilizer will be ready faster.
  1. "Warm" beds: Freshly cut or dried grass can be used to establish "warm" beds, which provide earlier yields.
  1. Storage of vegetables and fruits: Vegetables and fruits, especially late-season apples and tomatoes, are stored well in mowed grass.
  1. Protecting plants from frost: dry grass is perfect for strawberry beds and winter crops.
  1. Neutralization of odors: freshly cut grass is recommended to be thrown into the cesspool to reduce unpleasant odors.

Earlier, EcoPolitic published expert advice, how to make compost easily. We also wrote about the fact that against the background of abnormal heat, Ukrainians communities refuse from mowing the grass.

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