6 new protected areas created in Zhytomyr region TeunSpaans, wikimedia.org

6 new protected areas created in Zhytomyr region

Anna Velyka

Their formation was initiated by ecologists

The Zhytomyr Regional Council has announced 6 new objects of the nature reserve fund (NRF) of local importance in the region, including both monuments and reserves.

This was reported by representatives of the Kyiv Ecological and Cultural Center (KECC), who participated in the preparation of materials to justify the creation of 5 of these new protected areas.

The list of newly created protected areas is as follows:

  1. Botanical monument of nature of local importance "Provalivka" with an area of ​​5.7 hectares on the territory of the Lubarsk settlement council for the protection of the shield-leaved flounder (pictured), listed in the Red Book of Ukraine.
  2. Landscape reserve of local importance "Brusylivskyi" with an area of ​​5 hectares on the territory of the Korostyshiv forest farm for the protection of natural complexes and landscapes, as well as the preservation of forest plantations near settlements.
  3. The forest reserve of local importance "Prykamyanskyi lis" with an area of ​​7.7 hectares on the territory of the Romaniv Forest Farm for the preservation of forest plantations in their natural state.
  4. The Lyudvykivka natural botanical monument of local importance with an area of ​​4.6 hectares on the territory of the Romaniv Forest Farm for the preservation of the Erythronium dens-canis L. species.
  5. Landscape reserve of local importance "Knyazhy" with an area of ​​17.9 hectares on the territory of the Romaniv Forest Farm for the protection of the natural complex of the Sluch River valley, the protection of plant and animal species listed in the Red Book of Ukraine.
  6. Botanical reserve of local importance "Kamyanka" with an area of ​​7.5 hectares on the territory of the Myropol settlement council for the protection of natural complexes and landscapes, as well as the preservation of wetland vegetation of the Sluch River.

In May, EсoPolitic reported that in Kyiv region created 9 new protected objects.

In June, we reported that despite the war in Donetsk region a new reserve "Khrestishchenski Hills" appeared to preserve the pristine landscapes of steppe river valleys.

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