
Some Ukrainians criticized the initiative for its irrelevance in the realities of war and corruption risks

The market value of the territory reaches 88 million hryvnias

Such pollution poses a danger to human life and health, as well as to the environment

Animal killers face up to 8 years in prison

Such garbage cannot be thrown into a general container

It is necessary to dispose of 233.8 tons of unusable pesticides in the region

In 2012, Mriya-Invest began filling the reservoir with sand

More than 7,000 trees were destroyed in the forest, which significantly damaged its ecosystem

Each person can hand in 10 fluorescent lamps, 5 thermometers and 1 kg of batteries for free

3 "box" houses have already been built in Gravity Park

The action "Chestnuts for the Armed Forces" was launched in Rivne region and Zhytomyr region

464 hectares of land burned in the region