
They spoke in favor of the protection of natural lands

Its development is provided for in the final provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Integrated Prevention and Control of Industrial Pollution"

This year it is dedicated to the theme of joint efforts that grow into big changes

Among other things, we discussed in detail one of the most pressing issues that worries industry representatives – the implementation of BATM and obtaining integrated environmental permits

This is necessary for the creation of a system of trading quotas for them in Ukraine

The department will accept comments and proposals regarding these changes in the legislation within a month

Experts talk about a successfully conducted special information and psychological operation against this document

The European Union expects certain steps from the Ukrainian authorities even during the war

The People's Deputies will consider one profile draft law if there is a conclusion of the scientific and expert administration

However, some changes regarding their procedure and periodicity did occur

Activists expressed fear that officials of the State Enterprise "Forests of Ukraine" will abuse the appointment of new types of felling

In particular, a decision was made on additional time for business adaptation to new rules in the field of waste management