
According to the requirements of the new Technical Regulation, the dangerousness of chemicals and products will be assessed according to 33 classes of dangerousness

About a quarter of them, along with power plants, will also receive energy storage facilities

In the period from 2015 to 2020, a very low rate of tree planting was observed in Ukraine

The new regulation introduces a clear control system and simplifies the process of forest restoration after hostilities

The reform is aimed at preventing corruption risks during inspections of enterprises and preservation of living nature

The agreement is aimed at creating conditions for attracting international technical assistance

The corresponding project of the government resolution has already been published for public discussion

The Memorandum also refers to the support and development of cooperation and business partnership between Danish and Ukrainian businesses

The regulations require final approval by national governments

Currently, the prosecutor's office is taking measures to recover the damage caused

Harmful emissions into the atmosphere, in particular nitrogen oxide, are a violation of the Law of Ukraine

The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources has done a lot of work, but corruption risks remain