
This position was supported by 19 public organizations, associations and centers of environmental orientation in an appeal to the country's leadership

Environmental officials claim that its adoption will allow Ukraine to finally put order in the field of electronic waste

People's deputies will consider 2 profile draft laws, make their proposals regarding changes to the Code of Administrative Offenses and discuss two questions about letters

The State Decarbonization Fund cannot finance climate measures

In Ukraine, for almost six months, nothing is known about the renewal of the Nationally Determined Contribution to the Paris Agreement

We carefully monitor whether there will be a result

They are trying to destroy the only existing system of control over sanitary felling of the forest

They are necessary for the gradual reformation of the sphere of environmental protection and overcoming the consequences of the war

The Ministry of Environment made this process physically impossible by its actions

The document returned to the parliament with the signature of the head of the country

This caused a crisis in the market and doubled the price of the services of specialized companies

Officials of the ministry did not fulfill the requirements of the legislation in the field of licensing of economic activity