Three bioenergy facilities are being built in Khmelnitschyna in an industrial park

Three bioenergy facilities are being built in Khmelnitschyna in an industrial park

Hanna Velyka

They should be up and running as early as next year

In the industrial park “Carbon-neutral eco-agro-hub Podillya-Horodok” in the town of Horodok in Khmelnytskyy region, construction of a processing complex continues, which will include plants for the production of bioethanol, biogas and TPP on sunflower husk.

This was reported by the people's Deputy Dmitry Kisilevsky in Facebook.

On the territory of the future enterprise for the production of bioethanol piles of the foundation have already been driven. The next stage will be the erection of industrial buildings. Equipment for the plant has already been purchased and is at the production stage, said the MP.


At the same time, land works continue on the territory where the biogas production, TPP on sunflower husk and solar power plant with an area of 30 hectares will be located.

The production complex will also include a sunflower oil plant and an animal feed production facility. It will provide a full cycle of agro-processing: from raw materials at the input – to finished products, electricity and gas at the output.


It is planned to complete the construction and commission the entire complex of enterprises and power plants in 2026.

In February, EcoPolitics reported on the first delivery of domestic biogas to Europe. It was made by VITAGRO Group of Companies from its plant in Khmelnytsky region.

A few days after that, a company belonging to the agricultural holding MHP exported Ukrainian biofuel to the EU.

Right after Vitagro, MHP also started exporting biomethane to the EU
Right after Vitagro, MHP also started exporting biomethane to the EU

The first-ever supply of Ukrainian biogas abroad took place a few days earlier, on February 6.

Ukrainian company exported biomethane to Europe for the first time: details
Ukrainian company exported biomethane to Europe for the first time: details

A few more domestic manufacturers also intend to produce biogas for consumers abroad

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