In September-December 2024, the Joint Stock Company “Decarbonization Fund of Ukraine” issued soft loans for the implementation of 17 projects totaling UAH 180 million 893.7 thousand.
The results of its work in 2024 can be found on the official website of the institution.
Number and amount of loans
The first soft loan was issued by the Decarbonization Fund on September 20, 2024. It was the first and only one that month. No projects received funding in November. The distribution of the number of funded projects is shown in the diagram:
In September, a preferential loan was issued one, but quite significant in the amount – UAH 18.5 million. And here are 6 projects, aged in October, much smaller in amounts. In total, they received about UAH 2.6 million, that is, an average of one project accounts for about 432 thousand UAH. In December, the number of agreed projects was the highest – it was 10. The average amount of lending was also much more significant than in October – almost UAH 16 million per project.
In total, the Fund has mastered 48% of the funds allocated – UAH 180 million 893.7 thousand from UAH 390 million 280 thousand UAH.
Who received preferential lending from the Decarbonization Fund
Recipients by types of projects can be divided into 3 groups:
- renewable energy sources – 1 project;
- energy service companies – 11 projects;
- The replacement of combustible minerals, in addition to peat and gas (methane) of coal deposits, alternative fuels and energy with alternative (renewable) sources – 5 projects.
Geographically by areas of recipient distribution is as follows:
What is the estimated effectiveness
The aggregate energy savings under the sale of 17 projects are 7145.38 MW, reducing CO2 emissions will be 4393.91 tons. The only thing in the Decarbonization Fund did not indicate for what period:
EcoPolitic earliertold about how to get a preferential loan for eco -modernization from the Decarbonization Fund of Ukraine. For more details about the work of the Fund and the features of obtaining loans for decarbonization of production, read in our exclusive interview With his head Olesya Mishchenko.