The influence of vinya on nature conservation areas of Ukraine
More than 20% of nature conservation areas of Ukraine are affected by the war War has a devastating effect on the environment, and its consequences can be felt not only for us, but also for future generations. Military actions lead to the deterioration of the state of ecosystems and natural resources even after their cessation, affecting the well-being of the state and society. As a result of Russian armed aggression today: – 812 objects of the nature reserve fund with a total area of 0.9 million hectares were affected. – 2.9 million hectares of the Emerald Network territories — 160 territories that are part of the nature protection network of Europe and are protected within the limits of EU and Council of Europe legislation — are under threat of destruction. – There are 17 wetlands of international importance (protected by the Ramsar Convention) in the risk zone, which have status due to their unique biodiversity. – 514 objects of the nature reserve fund with an area of 0.80 million hectares remain occupied. – Two wetlands of international importance have been practically destroyed: "Veliki and Mali Kuchugury Archipelago" and "Sim Mayakiv Floodplain". – The entire protected area (1,588 hectares), the most valuable steppe area of the Dzharylgat National Nature Park, was destroyed. – The habitats of species of flora and fauna listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, the European Red List of endangered species of animals and plants on a global scale were damaged.