An official from the Kyiv City State Administration was caught taking bribes for issuing emission permits

An official from the Kyiv City State Administration was caught taking bribes for issuing emission permits

Katerina Belousova

Attackers face up to 10 years in prison

The police uncovered a corruption scheme by an official from the Kyiv City State Administration, who systematically demanded a bribe for issuing permits for emissions of pollutants into the air and other permits.

The case against an official from the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources and two accomplices from private enterprises was brought to court, the National Police reported.

It is noted that the attackers demanded a bribe for free permits issued in the field of environmental protection. They created such conditions in which it was impossible to obtain such documents for free.

The press service said that bribes were demanded using a messenger, using pseudonyms and other methods of conspiracy.

The “tariff scale” for obtaining unlawful benefits was also determined in advance and depended on the number of sources of pollutant emissions,” the message said.

It is noted that the perpetrators face up to 10 years in prison.

Earlier, EcoPoliti wrote, that Vasily Lozinsky, Deputy Minister for the Development of Communities and Territories, who was responsible for the activities of the Energy Efficiency Directorate for 3 years, was detained on a bribe of $400,000.

As EcoPolitic reported earlier, People's Deputy from the Servant of the People faction, head of the Subcommittee on the Protection and Optimal Use of Mineral Resources Pavel Yakymenko was suspected of assisting illegal obtaining of a mining permit beryllium. We are talking about a company that is partly owned by his father, and mining is partly planned in the reserve.


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