The police opened a criminal case against teenagers for torturing a cat shutterstock

The police opened a criminal case against teenagers for torturing a cat

Katerina Belousova

Police officers work together with juvenile prevention workers

In the Rivne region, the police started a pre-trial investigation as part of the criminal proceedings regarding the "torture house for the neighbor's cat", which was arranged by teenagers in the village of Nemovichi, Sarne region.

Law enforcement officers noticed the publication of minor children on social networks, and later the owner of the cat also contacted them, the press service of the Police of the Rivne region reports on Facebook.

The report said that the teenagers tied the cat by the paw with a rope to a net near the owner's farm. When the intruders saw the owner of the cat, they immediately ran away.

The man took his pet to the vet, who found minor injuries on the cat's hind leg.

Law enforcement officers entered information about animal cruelty into the Unified Register of Pretrial Investigations under Part 1 of Article 299 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

"As part of the criminal proceedings, the police, together with juvenile prevention workers, are establishing all the circumstances, as well as checking the involvement of two minor residents of Nemovych in the committed crime," the press service said.

Earleir, EcoPolitic wrote, that the animal defenders from the humanist movement UAnimals wrote a statement to the National Police against a 12-year-old girl from the Rivne region, who is cruel to homeless cats, mocking and killing them on camera.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, animal rights activists have prepared step-by-step instructions for proving cases of animal cruelty.

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