Black lumberjacks from Rivne region face jail for destroying trees in the reserve

Black lumberjacks from Rivne region face jail for destroying trees in the reserve

Katerina Belousova

The defendants sincerely repent for the illegal felling of trees

In the Rivne region, two residents of the Saransk region will be judged for cutting down 5 trees in the Zalovsky botanical reserve.

They face a UAH 25,500 fine or imprisonment for a term of three to five years. National police in the Rivne region on Facebook.

The message emphasized that the amount of damage done is more than 33 thousand hryvnia, which the perpetrators have not yet compensated.

The crime became known due to the appeal to the police by a forest guard worker.

Based on the results of urgent investigative actions, the employees of the Rakitnovsky police department established that two residents of the village of Snovidovichi were involved in the crimes committed. The defendants sincerely repent for the illegal felling of trees.

The press service said that on October 4, a 24-year-old man cut down four pine trees, sawed them into logs and transported them to relatives. A week later, together with a 19-year-old friend, they destroyed another tree.

"During the inspection of the territory of the household of a resident of the village of Snovidovichi, the police discovered and seized illegally cut wood. The investigators collected enough evidence to notify both malefactors of suspicion and, based on the results of the pre-trial investigation, sent the criminal proceedings to court," the report says.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that in Lviv region, two black lumberjacks from Sambir district were sentenced to 5 years in prison for felling 10 trees, which caused damage to the state for 137.8 thousand hryvnias. However, the perpetrators will not go to jail if they successfully complete their one-year probation.

As EcoPolitic reported earlier, 50 maples and several oaks were illegally cut down in a forest park in Kharkiv for the illegal construction of a private estate.

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