Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine — latest ecology news

The results of Strilets' annual work are rated 4 out of 10: failures and achievements
The results of Strilets' annual work are rated 4 out of 10: failures and achievements

Strilets is the only minister in the last 4 terms of office who does not communicate with public organizations

The Ministry of Environment urged to prevent the industrial extraction of amber from valuable swamps
The Ministry of Environment urged to prevent the industrial extraction of amber from valuable swamps

This could destroy 1,343 species of plants and animals

Ukraine's hazardous waste management industry could be paralyzed – PAEW
Ukraine's hazardous waste management industry could be paralyzed – PAEW

This can negatively affect the image of Ukraine and European integration

The Ministry of Environment will conduct an environmental assessment of the national waste management plan until 2033
The Ministry of Environment will conduct an environmental assessment of the national waste management plan until 2033

The national plan envisages a reduction in household waste disposal volumes by up to 30%

A network of wildlife rescue centers is being created in Ukraine
A network of wildlife rescue centers is being created in Ukraine

4 enclosures for various animals have already been set up in Cheremsky National Park

The State Water Agency appointed a new manager: what is known about him
The State Water Agency appointed a new manager: what is known about him

Since June 2022, Yanchuk has been the Deputy Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories

The Ministry of Environment has developed European rules for the operation of landfills
The Ministry of Environment has developed European rules for the operation of landfills

Such regulation is part of the waste management reform

Potential threats from the new cadastre of protected areas
Potential threats from the new cadastre of protected areas

The Ministry of Environment is called to review the instructions and take into account, first of all, the interests of preserving protected areas

PAEW criticized the new rules for handling hazardous waste
PAEW criticized the new rules for handling hazardous waste

For one type of activity, you need to obtain 3 permit documents from the Ministry of Environment

A deuce is progress?: The European Commission assessed Ukraine's achievements in the field of environment
A deuce is progress?: The European Commission assessed Ukraine's achievements in the field of environment

Part of the eco-community considers such progress to be insufficient, and part of it to be a failure

4 waste processing plants will be built in Poltava region: a memorandum was signed
4 waste processing plants will be built in Poltava region: a memorandum was signed

The oblast became the second in Ukraine to sign a memorandum on cooperation at the ministry-oblast-community level