Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine — latest ecology news

The procedure for obtaining a permit for air emissions has been simplified
The procedure for obtaining a permit for air emissions has been simplified

This will save time and resources, as emission inventory reports sometimes contained more than 1,000 pages

The Ministry of Environment discussed the gaps in the draft law "On Packaging" with business
The Ministry of Environment discussed the gaps in the draft law "On Packaging" with business

The Ministry of Environment proposes a barrier of 18% of the market share, which must be provided by EPR in order to register the organization

In September, the first public hearings on the EIA under the new rules will be held
In September, the first public hearings on the EIA under the new rules will be held

OVD will apply to mining, logging, construction of a power line and a gas station

Waste management information system launched in Ukraine in test mode
Waste management information system launched in Ukraine in test mode

Ukraine seeks to create a unique automated waste management system

"Lebigovych to ministers": who can become the successor of Strilets in the Ministry of Environment
"Lebigovych to ministers": who can become the successor of Strilets in the Ministry of Environment

In the eco-community, Strilets is criticized for the lack of real gains and accused of returning to the methods of the era of Yanukovych's presidency

Officials of a number of eco-departments want to save the Ros River from destruction
Officials of a number of eco-departments want to save the Ros River from destruction

The Ministry of Environment expects legislative initiatives to improve the system of management and control over the use and protection of water

Where to complain about illegal dumping: algorithm of actions
Where to complain about illegal dumping: algorithm of actions

Most often, it is almost impossible to establish the owner of the waste

Trukhaniv Island in Kyiv will be declared a protected area
Trukhaniv Island in Kyiv will be declared a protected area

4 new sanctuaries will be created in the capital

The long-awaited garbage reform has started "on paper" in Ukraine
The long-awaited garbage reform has started "on paper" in Ukraine

It is still unknown how many years it may take to close hazardous waste landfills

The Ministry of the Environment explained how to conduct public EIA hearings according to the new rules
The Ministry of the Environment explained how to conduct public EIA hearings according to the new rules

Conducting ATS in the territories in the war zone is possible under certain conditions

The Ministry of Environment is finalizing the draft law that will launch the EPR
The Ministry of Environment is finalizing the draft law that will launch the EPR

Extended producer responsibility will oblige companies to collect and recycle their waste

The Ministry of Natural Resources will control the implementation of the waste reform
The Ministry of Natural Resources will control the implementation of the waste reform

The law "On waste management" came into force on July 9