Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine — latest ecology news

Conflicts can be avoided if the draft law defines both long-term and medium-term goals

The warehouse will be launched after the end of the war

Comments and proposals to the draft law can be sent until March 20

Companies will develop such plans for 5 years

In June, the Ministry of Environment should submit a draft order of the Cabinet of Ministers "On approval of the plan of measures to create a national system of trading quotas for greenhouse gas emissions"

The Ministry of the Environment left 4 previous applications for a license to the Center without consideration

Not only the environment is being destroyed, but also trust in Ukraine on the part of international partners and the investment field

Comments and suggestions can be sent until March 5

Declarations for 2021 and 2022 were submitted by all 22 members of the government

Only hazardous waste producers and waste generators can collect and accept hazardous waste without a license

Comments and suggestions can be sent until February 26

No company in the market had licenses for 24 days