Kirovohrad region — latest ecology news

Energy savings for each of them range from 43 to 53%.

The most significant losses were the destruction of 16 hectares of self-sown forests and oil pollution of the Black Sea amounting to UAH 16 million.

All of the published cases have already gone to court, and some of them have already been sentenced

Another organized criminal group engaged in illegal logging is exposed

Most of them are illegal felling, some involved officials of SE “Forests of Ukraine”

In particular, the offenders were sentenced for poaching, and the prosecutors referred two cases to the court against the employees of the State Enterprise "Lisa Ukrainy"

Many of these cases have already reached the court, and some of the perpetrators have managed to receive punishment

The case of the utility company, which systematically polluted the land for 5 years in a row, became resonant

Prosecutors obtained compensation

Dealers can get up to 7 years in prison

In the place of the trees that did not survive this year, new ones will be planted. This process is called replenishment of forests

The waste polluted the agricultural areas of the reserve lands