Global warming — latest ecology news
This time the root cause was the storm "Boris"
In 2024, its maximum measured thickness was only 34 m
This could cause global temperatures to rise by more than 3°C compared to pre-industrial times by the end of the century
There will be about 10 of them, and their mission will last up to 1 year
The first in it is Subak – a Balinese system of supplying water to rice fields
Coral reefs protect coastlines from erosion, are home to thousands of species of fish and are an important source of tourism income for many countries
The Persian Gulf countries are likely to be included in the list of possible donors
As temperatures rise, networks must be more resilient, including storage, to cope with demand surges and supply disruptions
Their implementation will require significant funds
It will be funded by the Frontier Coalition
The project has a budget of €400,000
They estimate the probability of this at 95%