European Green Deal — latest ecology news
Ukraine needs urgent, powerful and united international assistance in environmental protection
Ukraine took 12th place in the ranking with 22% of coal generation
The startup Electra offers ultra-fast charging for electric cars – in 20 minutes for 400 km
E-fuel markup will increase overall prices by only 5%
Experts estimate the potential market for floating solar power at 4,000 GW
Countries recognize the key role of nuclear energy to achieve climate neutrality"
MENA can become a world leader in the export of ecologically clean iron
Some projects are already working, but the comprehensive plan has not been approved
The agreement also provides for the doubling of the global annual rate of energy efficiency improvement to 4%
The installed capacity of the SPP has already reached 125 GW
Part of the eco-community considers such progress to be insufficient, and part of it to be a failure
The conference will discuss the achievements and challenges of bringing Ukrainian eco-legislation closer to EU norms