Dangerous waste — latest ecology news

It will run only on weekdays from 9:30 to 17:30

It is extremely important to dispose of such waste properly

This week, as usual, there were several illegal logging operations and two cases of illegal mineral water extraction

Due to the technical unpreparedness of the enterprise platform the risk of losing permits and licenses

Its working days – Thursday, Friday and Saturday

The mobile point will work from Wednesday to Sunday

The mobile point will work from 9:30 to 17:00

We have the next “crutches” that the department substitutes to prevent collapse in the field of waste management

Each region will have 1 year to develop a regional waste management plan

The possibility of submitting documents in paper form may be canceled

By handing in only 1 battery, we save 16 square meters of soil from toxic pollution

Currently, at least somehow, only those reforms related to the Ukraine Facility Plan are moving forward