Corruption — latest ecology news
They emphasized that changes in legislation and institutional approaches are currently needed to bring order to this area
They claim that illegal harvesting of wood in Ukraine amounts to millions of cubic meters
They also talked about the case opened against the official
Journalists accused foresters of fictitious sanitary logging
They carried out the demolition of trees using falsified documents
Procedural management in this proceeding is carried out by the Office of the Prosecutor General
This is not the first time that environmentalists have detected illegal tree felling here
The forester often registered his assets to relatives who did not have the financial ability to make such purchases
Among the perpetrators was a law enforcement officer who was covering up the illegal harvesting and sale of wood
At the prosecutor's request, the court seized the wells
At least 4 other people are involved in the arrangement
Violations in the exclusion zone are systematic in nature and meager fines will not stop them