Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine — latest ecology news

Activists expressed fear that officials of the State Enterprise "Forests of Ukraine" will abuse the appointment of new types of felling

In particular, a decision was made on additional time for business adaptation to new rules in the field of waste management

The document has not yet been made public

Officials expect that the innovations will help optimally redistribute attention from less risky business entities to more risky ones

In this way, the state wants to ensure transparency in interaction with business entities in the field of chemical safety

Specialists see this as another attempt to monopolize the market

The public service experience of the official in the field of environmental protection is 18 years, 6 of them in managerial positions

They filed the lawsuit at the end of July

It will work according to the principles and rules of the new RED III European Directive

Since 2016, she has been working in the country's governing bodies

It establishes technical specifications for chemical analysis and monitoring of water conditions and updating the functions of water monitoring entities

246 deputies supported this appointment