In Kharkov, the garbage trap was cleaned for the sixth time: what Trash Killer got in the spring

In Kharkov, the garbage trap was cleaned for the sixth time: what Trash Killer got in the spring

Katerina Belousova

In addition to the catcher basket, the service lock was also cleaned

In Kharkiv on Wednesday, June 8, the trash catcher Trash Killer on the Uda River was cleaned for the sixth time.

For six months of its work, Trash Killer has caught about 18 tons of garbage, eco-activist Artem Prikhodko reports on Facebook.

This time, the catcher cleared the river of plastic bottles for drinks and shampoos, glass bottles, shoes, reeds, logs, carpets, cigarette packs, cans and other plant residues and household waste.

In addition to the trap basket, the service lock was also cleaned so that the garbage, after emptying the basket, would not immediately fill it with new waste.

"We continue to do good deeds in Kharkov for the city and people," Prikhodko said.

Recall in Kharkov, the trash cather Trash Killer cleared the Uda River from another 4-5 tons of garbage in 8 weeks. During this time the trash can is 150% full.

As EcoPolicy reported earlier, in Kyiv showed art installation Toloka: Pure Udy. It consists of garbage that volunteers fished out of the Uda River in the Kharkiv region.

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