A sevenfold excess of poisonous gases was found in the Kyiv air shutterstock

A sevenfold excess of poisonous gases was found in the Kyiv air

Katerina Belousova

Specialists of the observatory collected and analyzed 1,608 samples of atmospheric air

An excess of the average daily maximum permissible concentrations of nitrogen dioxide by 6.7 times and formaldehyde by 3.9 times was found in the air of Kyiv during the week from August 22 to 27, 2022.

Compared to the previous week, the level of carbon monoxide pollution decreased and nitrogen dioxide and formaldehyde increased, it is said in the weekly report on air pollution from the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory.

According to the data of the observatory, the exceeding of the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) in terms of the average daily content of nitrogen dioxide was:

  • 6.7 times on August 22 at Victory Square;
  • in 3.0-3.7 times In the air of Kyiv during the week from August 22 to 27, 2022 on Demiivska and Bessarabska squares, Obolonsky prospect, Kaunaska, Inzhener Borodin and Semen Sklyarenko streets;
  • 2.0-2.9 times – on Peremogy Avenue, in the Hydropark district, Akademika Strazheska (intersection with Vaclav Havel Boulevard), Dovzhenka and Popudrenka streets;
  • no excesses were observed at 37 Nauky Ave. (in the area of ​​the meteorological station).

Exceeding the MPC by average daily formaldehyde content:

  • 3.1-3.9 times – on Peremoha, Bessarabska and Demiivska squares, Obolonskyi and Peremoha avenues, Akademika Strazheska, Dovzhenka, Kaunaska and Sklyarenko streets;
  • 2.2-2.9 times – on Nauky Avenue, in the Hydropark district, Popudrenka Street.

Other exceedances of MPC by average daily content:

  • of suspended solids – 1.0-1.1 times on Bessarabska and Peremoha squares, Peremoha avenue (Sviatoshin metro area), Kaunaska street;
  • of carbon monoxide – 1.1 times on Peremogy Avenue.

Specialists of the observatory collected and analyzed 1,608 samples of atmospheric air at 15 stationary posts.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, in Kyiv, residents of the city were advised to close their windows and limit their time outside due to a fire in the peatland.

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