Volunteers cleared 2.5 tons of garbage from a ravine that had been turned into a landfill in Kharkiv. Photo

Volunteers cleared 2.5 tons of garbage from a ravine that had been turned into a landfill in Kharkiv. Photo

Katerina Belousova

Since March 2023, volunteers have collected more than 15 tons of garbage

In Kharkiv, volunteers cleaned up from a ravine during an eco-walk on September 10 Mokry Zhikhor is about 2.5 tons of garbage, that is, about 100 bags.

It was the 25th action on cleaning the ravine, where household and construction waste has been accumulating for decades, reports ecoactivist Artem Prykhodko on Facebook.


He said that they joined the toloka 12 volunteers who worked for 4 hours. This is a record number of participants, because usually 4-8 people joined the cleaning.


"Since March, residents of Kharkiv, who care about nature, have been gathering in the Industrial district to clean the ravine from tons of garbage that the so-called "people" have been taking there for years," Prykhodko wrote.


The eco-activist added that since March 2023, volunteers have collected more than 15 tons of garbage and cleaned more than 800 meters of the Zhyhorets river bed.

"Cleaning measures will be carried out as long as weather conditions allow," he emphasized.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, in Kharkiv, in the KhTZ area, activists began clearing the Wet Zhikhor ravine of garbage, which had been accumulating there for decades. People want to turn the abandoned river and its slopes into a "paradise corner" and have already collected about 200 bags of various waste.

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As part of the global campaign, volunteers removed 3.6 million kg of plastic per day