The vacant post of deputy for European integration in the Ministry of Environment was taken by Olga Yukhymchuk

The vacant post of deputy for European integration in the Ministry of Environment was taken by Olga Yukhymchuk

Anna Velyka

She already has considerable experience in the field of environmental protection

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine appointed Olga Yukhymchuk as the Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine for European Integration.

The ministry announced personnel changes.

It is known that before this appointment, Yukhymchuk worked in the Government Office for the Coordination of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. She dealt with issues of environmental protection, climate change and coordination of the Green Course.

The official also had work experience in the Ministry of Environment. In 2016-2018, she worked as the head of the Department for the Implementation of the Trading System for Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Keeping the Register of the Department on Climate Change and Ozone Layer Preservation. In 2022, Olga Yukhymchuk held the position of head of the Climate Policy and Reporting Department of the Climate Policy and Ozone Layer Preservation Department of the Industrial Pollution Prevention and Climate Policy Department.

On October 1 the new deputy in the Ministry of Environment became Oleksandr Semenets . Ecopolitics collected the information that is known about him. A little later, on October 4, The Cabinet of Ministers appointed Olena Kramarenko as First Deputy Minister of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine. Viktoriya Kireeva and Serhiy Vlasenko kept their positions, which they held under the previous minister Ruslana Strilka.

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