The SBI unmasked a criminal group that had cut down forests for more than UAH 4 million

The SBI unmasked a criminal group that had cut down forests for more than UAH 4 million

Anna Velyka

Dealers can get up to 7 years in prison

Employees of the State Bureau of Investigation completed pre-trial investigation and submitted to the court the case against an organized group of 9 people, which only for 5 months of illegal activity cut down about 1 thousand trees in Kirovohrad region. By their actions “black loggers” caused damage to the state for more than 4 million UAH.

About it reports the State bureau of investigations.

In March 2023, the forest master of one of the forestries of the region organized illegal cutting of trees under the guise of sanitary. In accomplices he attracted a senior forest master, a forester and 6 civilian participants who directly cut, removed and sold wood. They used forged invoices to simulate the legality of timber transportation to the customer.

The group members are accused of illegally cutting down trees in forests, which led to grave consequences, and of official forgery (part 2 of article 27, part 3 of article 27, part 3 of article 28, part 4 of article 246 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, part 2 of article 27, part 3 of article 27, part 3 of article 28, part 2 of article 366 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). The sanction of the article provides for punishment of up to 7 years in prison.

The other day, EcoPolitic reported that in Bukovina a scheme of illegal logging worth millions of hryvnia was exposed.

The head of the forest farm appropriated land and property worth UAH 3 million
The head of the forest farm appropriated land and property worth UAH 3 million

At least 4 other people are involved in the arrangement

Almost 10% of all forests in the Carpathians have been cut down in 20 years – media
Almost 10% of all forests in the Carpathians have been cut down in 20 years – media

This is the area of ​​Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odesa, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Ternopil combined

Large-scale shadow timber sales schemes operate in national parks, – former employees
Large-scale shadow timber sales schemes operate in national parks, – former employees

It turned out that only a quarter of institutions publicly report on the volume of felling and the value of sold trees

Foresters cut down old forests without any documents – UPG
Foresters cut down old forests without any documents – UPG

Activists blame the management of the State Enterprise "Forests of Ukraine" for tolerating such illegal actions