The order has changed the rules of forest felling shutterstock

The order has changed the rules of forest felling

Hanna Velyka

The document has not yet been made public

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine praised the changes to the rules for logging. Zokrem, logging for new development, reconstruction, major repairs of roads in forest plots has been regulated and I will look after them.

Yuriy Bolokhovets, General Director of the DP "Foxes of Ukraine", spoke about this.

He informed that his enterprise planned to work on over 100 sites (sites) of forest roads. It turns out that the economic effect of these warehouse projects is around 2 billion UAH. Construction of 165 km has already been completed, 106 km is at the final stage.

According to the director, gaps in the regulatory framework blocked the development of the forest state and did not allow the implementation of some of the projects of “Forests of Ukraine”.

Юрій Болоховець зазначив, що розвиток мережі лісових доріг є одним із пріоритетів ДП ​​"Ліси України", оскільки дороги допомагають оперативно реагувати та локалізовувати лісові пожежі, а також забезпечують доступ до ресурсів.

"It is the roads that give the company the opportunity to harvest the volume of wood required by the market with a sufficient level of profitability," he says.

Also, the head of "Forests of Ukraine" called forest roads one of the components of the transition to natural forestry. Such reasoning seems somewhat strange, so we promise to acquaint our readers with the comments of experts on this matter.

According to the activists of the proactive nature protection group Free Svydovets, most of the factors that significantly worsen the situation with forest cutting in Ukraine, connected precisely with changes in legislation.

In the middle of October Ecopolitics told about investigation by , which revealed the ways foresters bypassed the requirements of legislation on forest protection. There is a risk that the new rules for the construction and maintenance of forest roads will create another loophole for unscrupulous forest farm workers. We also informed about shady schemes for selling wood in national parks.

According to the investigators of the BlackBox OSINT project, the general director of "Forests of Ukraine" Yuriy Bolokhovets headed it illegal logging and corruption in the industry.

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