A resident of the village of Markhalivka, named Yuriy, handcuffed himself to the front door of the office of the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights, Dmytro Lubinets. He cites the construction of a military cemetery on an unsuitable plot in his native village and the violation of the community's environmental rights as the reason for his act.
This was announced by the Kyiv Ecological and Cultural Center (KECC) on Facebook.
Activists of the center claim that for the implementation of the project of the National Military Memorial Cemetery, the Verkhovna Rada adopted Law No. 3505-IX, which deprives the community of the right to carry out an environmental impact assessment (EIA), that is, violates their environmental rights.
According to the man, the plot hastily chosen by the officials has a high level of groundwater, which makes it senseless and dangerous to bury the fallen soldiers.
"Hiding heroes in the water is a new level of absurdity!", KECC is outraged.
That's why the man chained to the door and the rest of the demonstrators demand to protect their rights and cancel the law No. 3505 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Ensuring the Construction and Operation of the National Military Memorial Cemetery."
Photo: facebook.com/kekz.ua
Volodymyr Boreyko, KECC ecologist, and Ruslan Gavryliuk, hydrogeologist of NECU, also warn of catastrophic consequences. The results of geological examinations indicate that the arrangement of 155,000 burials threatens to poison groundwater, which people use in everyday life, they claim.
The other day, EcoPolitic reported that KECC members sued to the government because of the illegal, in their opinion, resolution No. 225 "Some issues of removal of trees, shrubs, lawns and flower beds during the implementation of preparatory and/or construction works and operation of the National Military Memorial Cemetery".