The level of air pollution remains high in Kyiv Сергій Долженко / EPA

The level of air pollution remains high in Kyiv

Anna Velyka

The radiation background in the entire city is normal

The content of pollutants in the capital's air as of 08:00 on October 3 continues to remain stably high.

The Kyiv City State Administration warned about this with reference to the Department of Environmental Protection and Adaptation to Climate Change of the KMDA.

Specialists said that they recorded an increase in the concentration of suspended particles (dust). They cited fires in the ecosystem of the Kyiv region and cross-border influence – the arrival of dust from the Caspian lowland on the territory of Kyiv region and other regions of Ukraine as the probable cause of the temporary deterioration of the air condition.

The Department of Environmental Protection of the KMDA provides a list of stationary points where the air has a high level of pollution:

Right bank

  • St. Turivska, 28 general air quality index* – 80;
  • St. Shchuseva, 20 general air quality index – 92;
  • European Union Avenue, 64-G, overall air quality index – 82;
  • 97 Beresteyskyi Avenue, general air quality index – 86;
  • St. Chinaivska, 22, the overall air quality index is 77.

Left bank

  • St. Kharkiv highway, 7/1, overall air quality index – 88;
  • St. Architect Verbytskyi, 26, the overall air quality index is 85.


* The Common Air Quality Index (CAQI) is formed automatically based on indicators of several main pollutants: PM2.5 and PM10 (dust particles), SO2 (sulfur dioxide), NO2 (nitrogen dioxide), O3 (surface ozone), CO (carbon monoxide). The lower the CAQI, the better the air quality.

The Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center promised that the situation will improve over the weekend, when an atmospheric front with rains will bring fresh air from the west.

"However, the southeastern region will remain without rain, so the dust in the sky will remain there for some time," forecasters noted.

To improve the situation with the air condition, the KMDA has traditionally recommended:

  • close the windows;
  • limit being outside;
  • drink a lot of water;
  • if there is an air purifier, turn it on to the maximum.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote that on October 1 and 2 in Kyiv air quality will deteriorate, as a dust storm will reach the city, which has already covered eastern and southeastern regions of the country.

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