The government has set the main tasks in the field of environmental protection and green transition for 2025

The government has set the main tasks in the field of environmental protection and green transition for 2025

Hanna Velyka

In particular, a draft law on the system of greenhouse gas emissions trading in Ukraine is to be submitted to the Verkhovna Rada in August

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved the Government's Priority Action Plan for 2025, which contains, among other things, tasks and measures to achieve sustainable development goals and implement the points of the Ukraine Facility Plan.

This was announced by the government's representative in the Verkhovna Rada, Taras Melnychuk.

The text of the document has not yet been published on the parliament's website, but it was made available for review by MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak on his Telegram channel.

In total, the Plan contains 392 steps, 37 of which are related to environmental protection and Ukraine's green energy transition. Let's take a closer look at them.

International obligations of Ukraine

The section of the Plan entitled “Environmental Protection” begins with steps aimed at European integration and obtaining financial assistance from the European Union. The Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine is responsible for its implementation.

Ukraine Facility Plan

The Cabinet of Ministers has scheduled consideration of the following documents related to this EU initiative:

  1. A draft government order approving an action plan to establish a national greenhouse gas emissions trading system. This is one of the elements of Reform 3 “Market-based carbon pricing mechanisms”. The deadline for implementation is March.
  2. Draft law on amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine to strengthen criminal liability in the field of waste management. It is planned to implement the European Commission's recommendation ID 207, which provides for the adoption of primary and secondary legislation to continue the reforms launched in the field of waste management. The deadline for implementation is March.
  3. Draft law on amendments to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses regarding liability in the field of waste management. Similarly, ID 207. The deadline is also March.
  4. Draft law on amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine regarding the implementation of the provisions of the European Union's water protection legislation. The deadline for implementation is March.
  5. Acts of the Cabinet of Ministers to implement the Law of Ukraine No. 3855-IX “On Integrated Prevention and Control of Industrial Pollution”. The deadline for implementation is June.
  6. Draft law on the greenhouse gas emissions trading system in Ukraine. The deadline is August.
  7. A draft government order approving Ukraine's Second Nationally Determined Contribution to the Paris Agreement. The requirement to approve this document is part of Reform 2 “Climate Policy” in the Ukraine Facility Plan. The deadline for implementation is September.
  8. Draft Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on Approval of the Regulation on the Scientific and Expert Council on Climate Change and Preservation of the Ozone Layer. This is also one of the measures under Reform 2. The deadline is October.
  9. A draft Cabinet of Ministers' order approving the Long-Term Low-Carbon Development Strategy of Ukraine. This is also one of the indicators under the Ukraine Facility Plan. It has ID 202, and the deadline for its implementation in the Ukraine Facility Plan is the 4th quarter of 2025. In its Plan, the government has set October as the deadline for this step.
  10. A draft law on confirming the sustainability of the origin of timber and other goods that may lead to deforestation and forest degradation. The adoption of such a law is envisaged under Reform 4 “Restoration and Conservation of Natural Resources” in the Ukraine Facility Plan. The deadline for implementation is October.
  11. Draft law on amendments to certain laws of Ukraine regarding the implementation of the provisions of the European Union's legislation on the conservation of flora and fauna. The deadline is December.

Domestic agenda

Draft laws

To fill gaps in the national legislation and to regulate certain environmental issues, the Government plans to consider and submit the following draft laws to the Parliament:

  1. “On the peculiarities of managing state-owned objects in the forestry sector and the procedure for the establishment and operation of the specialized state forestry joint-stock company “Forests of Ukraine”. The deadline for implementation is February.
  2. “On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine regarding the payment of environmental tax levied for waste disposal and mining waste disposal”. The deadline for implementation is April.
  3. “On the Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. The deadline for implementation is May.
  4. “On Restricting the Production and Circulation of Single-Use Plastic Products in Ukraine”. The deadline for implementation is August.
  5. “On Batteries, Accumulators and Battery and Accumulator Waste. The deadline for implementation is September.
  6. “On waste tires, waste oils and vehicles withdrawn from service”. The deadline for implementation is October.

Energy efficiency

In this area, the Cabinet of Ministers plans to:

  1. Approve the procedure for determining the amount of contributions to be paid by obligated parties to the Energy Efficiency Fund. The deadline is November.
  2. Adopt a resolution amending the Procedure for the Use of the State Fund for Decarbonization and Energy Efficiency Transformation. The deadline for implementation is February.
    Adopt a resolution to amend the Charter of the State Institution “Energy Efficiency Fund”.

Documents on joining the recommendations of the Council of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

The Government plans to consider proposals for accession in the following areas

  • proper methods of managing public expenditures on environmental protection measures
  • environmental information and reporting;
  • integrated pollution prevention and control;
  • environmentally sound waste management;
  • water resources;
  • combating illegal trade in pesticides;
  • systematic research of existing chemicals.

It is also planned to establish cooperation with the OECD Committee on Chemicals and Biotechnology to obtain the status of an invited participant.

EcoPolitic wrote about the Ministry of Ecology's plans to develop bylaws to the Law “On Integrated Industrial Pollution Prevention and Control” and when to expect them in this article. We also prepared for our readers a detailed analysis of all the requirements for Ukraine as part of the implementation of the Ukraine Facility Plan and the recommendations of the European Commission.

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