Photos and videos will now be taken during inspections of chemical companies shutterstock

Photos and videos will now be taken during inspections of chemical companies

Anna Velyka

In this way, the state wants to ensure transparency in interaction with business entities in the field of chemical safety

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the Procedure for Fixing Measures of State Supervision (Control) in the Field of Ensuring Chemical Safety and Management of Chemical Products.

The innovation was announced on the government's website.

This is required by the provisions of the European integration framework law "On ensuring chemical safety and management of chemical products". The Verkhovna Rada adopted it in December 2022.

The Cabinet of Ministers are confident that such an Order will allow inspectors of the State Inspectorate to effectively and fully implement their powers regarding the recording of supervision (control) measures.

"In addition, following the European course, we must ensure transparency and publicity of the interaction between the state and business entities in the field of chemical safety. Our goal is to build such relations when the public and business trust the state. A clear order of photo and video recording of inspections at enterprises will allow to achieve this goal. Any opportunities for abuse, distortion of facts and potential corruption factors will be eliminated," commented First Deputy Minister of Environment Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine Olena Kramarenko.

The approved Procedure provides that eco-inspectors during inspections at chemical industry enterprises will record the inspection process, detected offenses and their consequences. For this, they will be able to use portable video recorders, photo and video cameras, drones, and other devices.

The recorded material will be stored for 120 days. If he will be involved in administrative, criminal or disciplinary proceedings – until the completion of such cases. The storage period can also be extended, taking into account the deadlines for the enterprise to appeal the decision of state supervision (control) bodies.

On December 8, 2022 Verkhovna Rada accepted in the second reading and in general the government bill No. 8037 "On chemical safety and management of chemical products".

As EcoPolitic reported earlier, at the beginning of August, in Ukraine a register will appear threats to chemical safety.

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