They reminded about the list of documents that the implementers must have
They turned to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine with proposals for changes in this document
Increasing circularity is a key element of the updated rules
They took part in the "Energodim" program under package B "Complex"
EU member states still have a little more than 17 months to transpose it into national legislation
Among other things, deputies will prepare for the second reading a draft law on the restoration of mandatory monitoring, reporting and verification of greenhouse gas emissions
It is a chemical used in the production of some plastics and resins
They were able to prepare the document a year late
Among them are illegal logging and land pollution
But analysts warn of technical difficulties that may arise with measurement and reporting
Existing retail outlets will also receive them gradually
Among them are projects of modernization of multi-apartment buildings, development of electricity storage systems, reduction of CO2 emissions during heat production, and others