Netflix has created "disappearing" billboards that visualize air pollution in real time

Netflix has created "disappearing" billboards that visualize air pollution in real time

Hanna Velyka

The company's new series draws attention to environmental pollution and its impact on human health

For the advertising campaign of the Toxic City series, Netflix used unusual billboards, the images on which become impossible to see if sensors detect poor air quality.

The company reported this on the X network.

In this way, Netflix raises one of the most pressing problems of our time – air pollution.

The billboards use real-time data to show air quality across the country. If the air quality is good, passersby see a clear poster of the series.

“If the air quality is bad, we sacrifice our billboards to cover them with a cloud of white smoke. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not happening,” the company's post reads.

Here's what it looks like:

This campaign emphasizes a horrifying reality: just because people can't always see pollution doesn't mean it doesn't affect lives.

Toxic Town follows the lives of three mothers who learn that their children were born with various physical disabilities due to exposure to toxic waste in their city.

On February 24, EcoPolitic reported that there was a high level of air pollution in Kyiv and the surrounding area.

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