Frankivsk region "declared war" on the poisonous borage plant

Frankivsk region "declared war" on the poisonous borage plant

Katerina Belousova

According to preliminary calculations, the fight against the plant will cost about 3 million hryvnias

In the Ivano-Frankivsk region, a regional program to combat Sosnovsky's borscht, a poisonous invasive plant that causes severe burns, has been developed.

As early as 2022, borage occupied more than 1,100 hectares, and in 2023, its plantations increased, reports the head of the Ivano-Frankivsk State Administration Svitlana Onyshchuk on Telegram.

"Over the last year, this poisonous plant has rapidly spread throughout the territory of Ivano-Frankivsk region. I now see borage plantations in various corners of the region," she wrote.

Onyshchuk explained that currently the responsibility for the destruction of borscht is borne by the heads of territorial communities and the owners of land plots.

She noted that, according to preliminary calculations, the regional program for combating borscht will cost about 3 million hryvnias.

"I will appeal to the deputies of the regional council to support it at the next session, – Onyshchuk wrote. – I ask that our local self-government also pay attention in order to jointly overcome the spontaneous spread of borschivna, due to which our Carpathians with severe burns end up in hospital beds!"

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that the Cabinet of Ministers approved the implementation plan Biosafety and biological defense strategies for 2022-2025. It is aimed at eliminating possible biological threats, preventing the spread of genetically modified plants and animals and invasive alien species, in particular Sosnovsky's borschivna, on the territory of the country.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources approved the list of alien, i.e. invasive, species trees that are not allowed to be planted for the creation and restoration of forests and field protection strips.

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