How Eco-Bus will run in Lviv: the schedule for February 2025 has been announced

How Eco-Bus will run in Lviv: the schedule for February 2025 has been announced

Hanna Velyka

Its working days – Thursday, Friday and Saturday

The Eco-Bus continues to operate in Lviv, where you can hand over used fluorescent lamps, thermometers containing mercury, and batteries.

The schedule of Eco-Bus stops for January is published on the website of the Lviv City Council.

What hazardous waste Eco-Bus accepts and in what quantity

  • fluorescent lamps (up to 10 pcs.)
  • mercury-containing thermometers (up to 5 pcs.)
  • batteries (up to 10 kg).

What are the conditions of reception

Only residents of the Lviv city territorial community can hand over hazardous waste to the Lviv Eco-Bus free of charge.

Waste should be brought in the manufacturer's packaging or in other safe containers.

For the convenience of residents, mobile hazardous waste collection points will operate in all districts of Lviv, as well as in the towns of Bryukhovychi, Rudno and Vynnyky.

Schedule of Eco-Bus stops in Lviv and the community for February 2025


EcoPolitics recently published eco-bus parking schedules with addresses for residents of Khmelnytskyi, as well as Poltava and its territorial community.

Ecobus continues to collect hazardous waste in Poltava region: schedule for March
Ecobus continues to collect hazardous waste in Poltava region: schedule for March

It will run only on weekdays from 9:30 to 17:30

In Lviv, Ecobus accepts hazardous waste free of charge: schedule for March
In Lviv, Ecobus accepts hazardous waste free of charge: schedule for March

It is extremely important to dispose of such waste properly

In February, Khmelnytskyi eco-bus will accept batteries, lamps and thermometers: schedule, addresses
In February, Khmelnytskyi eco-bus will accept batteries, lamps and thermometers: schedule, addresses

The mobile point will work from Wednesday to Sunday