Government approves Ukraine's waste management roadmap until 2033 shutterstock

Government approves Ukraine's waste management roadmap until 2033

Hanna Velyka

Each region will have 1 year to develop a regional waste management plan

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved the National Waste Management Plan until 2033.

This was reported by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine.

According to the Minister of Environmental Protection Svitlana Hrynchuk, the approval of such a National Plan was one of the recommendations of the European Commission in the Report on Ukraine's Progress under the European Union's Enlargement Package for 2023.

What is the information contained in the National Waste Management

The developers of this document were given in it:

  • analytics on the current state of waste management in Ukraine;
  • forecasts for the near future;
  • strategic directions of development of the sphere for 10 years;
  • tools for realizing set goals and monitoring their implementation.

The components of the National Waste Management Plan by 2033 are:

  • National program of reduction of biovidal disposal;
  • National Program for preventing waste.

The main target indicators of the document

Let's consider in more detail what indicative figures are planned to be achieved in the field of waste management:

  1. By 2033, cover at least household waste management services 85% population of the country.
  2. Increase the level of preparation of household waste for reuse and recycling. Purpose by 2025 – 10% from the mass of such waste with further volume increase.
  3. Reduce Biovorial Business – on 10% by 2030 and before 15% until 2033. For this, among other things, it is proposed to install sorting lines at landfills to separate biodegradable waste.
  4. To introduce in the settlements the system of separate collection of household waste. It is planned every year 10% increase population coverage starting from the second year of local waste management plans.
  5. By 2033, increase the preparation of non-hazardous materials for reuse, recycling and other recovery to at least 70% by mass.
  6. Organize composting of green waste from public parks and gardens by 2030 for all settlements with a population of over 100,000. residents
  7. Create a nationwide network of regional landfills for household waste disposal by 2033 (necessary 146 landfills with a total area 1200 Ha).

Also, the National Waste Management Plan envisages an inventory of hazardous waste treatment and determining those that must be brought into compliance with the requirements of the legislation or closed.

Regional -level implementation

Svitlana Grynchuk said that within a year from the date of entry into force of the National Plan, each region should develop its own regional waste management plans based on it. They will be developed for 10 years with updates every 4 years. The regional plans will provide for the creation of waste processing infrastructure, as well as the closure of facilities that do not meet the requirements of environmental safety. On the basis of regional plans, communities will form local waste management plans.

With the full text of the National Waste Management Plan until 2033 and the Action Plan for its implementation You can see on the website of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

As EcoPolitic reported in May 2024, the Ministry of Ecology has released for public discussion a new draft National Waste Management Plan (NWMP) until 2033 and a report on the SEA of this plan.

Earlier, in January last year, we informed that the Ministry had published the draft National Waste Management Plan until 2033. At that time, it was almost three times larger and had a different structure of presentation.

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