Forecaster tells when it will become easier to breathe in Kyiv shutterstock

Forecaster tells when it will become easier to breathe in Kyiv

Anna Velyka

The smog caused by the burning of peat bogs has increased the level of air pollution to a level that is dangerous for health

Wind on September 25 and rain on September 27 will bring guaranteed improvement in air quality in the capital, but it is possible that the situation will improve earlier.

This was stated by weather forecaster Natalia Didenko in an interview with the UNIAN news agency.

She explained that the phenomenon that Kyiv residents are witnessing now is called “an increase in the concentration of suspended particles (dust).”

According to her, the spurs of the anticyclone named Serkan cover the whole of Ukraine with their influence. That's why it's dry and almost calm almost all over the country, except for the south, where it's windy. If an anticyclone dominates, the low-wind weather without rain brought by it contributes to dust accumulation and significantly worsens air quality, the expert explained.

The forecaster said that the next wind increase in Kyiv is forecast for September 25, which gives hope for the dispersion of pollution.

"We haven't seen any rain yet, the closest one is from September 27, 28. This happens almost every year. It's unpleasant, but not a disaster," she summarized and advised Kyivans to drink more water and not open windows.

Natalka Didenko noted that not only the presence of rain and wind affects air pollution, so the situation may improve much earlier than September 25.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that in the morning of September 20 Kyiv city authorities reported about another worsening of the air condition, which at some monitoring stations has reached a level dangerous for human health.

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