Eco-activists will sue the Cabinet because of the demolition of trees for the arrangement of the cemetery shutterstock

Eco-activists will sue the Cabinet because of the demolition of trees for the arrangement of the cemetery

Anna Velyka

The first meeting is already on August 20

Members of the Kyiv Ecological and Cultural Center (KEСC) sued the government over the illegal, in their opinion, resolution No. 225 "Some issues of removing trees, shrubs, lawns and flower beds during the preparatory and/or construction work and operation of the National War Memorial Cemetery" of 01.03.2024.

This was reported by activists on the KEСC Facebook page.

They said that the Kyiv District Administrative Court opened proceedings against the Cabinet of Ministers on their claim. The preparatory meeting is scheduled for August 20, 2024.



The KECC is demanding that the government's decision be recognized as illegal and invalid. Activists claim that she allowed "practically unimpeded and barbaric demolition of dozens of hectares of forest near the village of Markhalivka for a military cemetery."

According to the filed lawsuit, the court, among other things, decided to oblige the Cabinet of Ministers to publish an announcement about the appeal of Resolution No. 225 in the publication in which this act was officially published, and to provide evidence of this to the court.

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