DTEK plans to complete the first wind and solar park in Europe by the end of 2023

DTEK plans to complete the first wind and solar park in Europe by the end of 2023

Katerina Belousova

The company is building 1,500 MW of green power in four EU countries

DTEK CEO Maksym Timchenko said that the company plans to complete the construction of the Ruginoasa wind and solar power plant in Romania by the end of 2023.

This is the first project of DTEK Renewables in Europe, reports EXPRO Consulting.

"We have big plans for Europe regarding the development of RES," he said. "By 2030, we are measuring the volume of RES construction in thousands of MW."

Timchenko said that the capacity of the wind farm will reach 60 MW, and the solar power plant will reach 50 MW. In addition, 1,500 MW in four countries are under active development.

He added that DTEK is considering projects for wind farms and energy storage systems in Poland.

Construction of Ruginoasa began in March 2023, with the first of 10 Vestas V162-6.0 MW turbines installed in July, it said. This wind farm will be one of the first wind farms to be built in Romania after the end of the state support program.

Earlier, EcoPolitic wrote, that in February 2022, the company "DTEK VDE" announced its intention to build a 60 MW wind farm in eastern Romania.

As EcoPolitic previously reported, the first phase of the Tiligul wind power plant with a capacity of 114 MW from 19 wind turbines was launched in Mykolayiv Oblast in May.

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