Air quality has deteriorated in Ukraine shutterstock

Air quality has deteriorated in Ukraine

Anna Velyka

The most unfavorable situation occurred in Kyiv

At many points of observation, the air from the category "good level" moved to the category "moderate level" or "harmful level for sensitive groups."

Such data is demonstrated by the SaveEcoBot environmental bot on an interactive air quality map.

Among the reasons for the deterioration of the situation, experts name the following factors:

  • An increase in the number of fires caused by dry, hot weather and human negligence. The resulting smog significantly worsens air quality.
  • Unfavorable weather conditions: with the beginning of autumn, weather conditions that prevent the vertical movement of air masses and the dispersion of pollutants are more often observed. Therefore, harmful emissions accumulate in the surface layer.

Specialists urge to limit the time spent outdoors until the situation improves.

The Kyiv City State Administration also reports on the temporary deterioration of air quality. Officials call fires in ecosystems the likely cause of this. In particular, burning of peat in 6 sites with a total area of ​​3.74 hectares in the Brovar district of Kyiv region.

"Fires are also a possible cause of the unpleasant smell in the capital," the KMDA says.

In the middle of August, EcoPolitic talked about the sharp deterioration of air quality in the Dnipro due to emissions from the Dnipro Metallurgical Plant.

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